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IMPA CODE 792754


Plug-Offset Angle, AC380-415V, Red



Штепсельные вилки и розетки утвержденные


Designed to meet IEC standards and colour coding system. The configurations for plugs and receptacles are single-rated which assures proper mating of devices with the same voltage and amperage. So it is impossible to couple a plug and receptacle of different voltage and/or amperage ratings to avold causing damage to the equipment or even personal injury. The receptacles with interlock device eliminate the possibillity of making or breaking the circuit under load or making a haphazard connection.





"Ship Supply and Ship Repair"

792754 WATERTIGHT PLUG & RECEPTACLE; Plug-Offset Angle, Red

SKU: 792754

     SHIP STORE   Mühendislik ve Ticaret Ltd Sti.

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